六级阅读( 长沙 新东方 王融亮 周思远) 选词填空 (长沙 新东方 周思远) 第一套卷的选词填空来自于文章《Natural-born Scientists》, 此文章登在2009年1月3日的《New Scientist》杂志上,主...
第一篇:学历 开头段:两个人的体貌特征+对话内容 议论段:简单阐明下图画所包含的道理(过于重视学历的不好现象)+展开讨论(原因或影响都行) 总结段:我的观点+建议 The port...
Passage One 来自英国卫报(The Guardian): single-sex schools help boys to enjoy arts, says study http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/2010/jan/20/single-sex-schools-boys......
Nothing succeeds without a strong will There is a prevalent joke around young people saying that quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world, and Ive don......
选词填空 第一篇: 36. A. assets 连词and连接前后平行的结构,由resources可看出37空需要填入一个名词与之相对应,选assets。 37. E. excellent be excellent teachers of. 成为的优秀老师 38. L. origin 缺...
作文解析 第一篇 As is graphically depicted in thecartoon, a young girl is talking with her mother. She says ironically, Goodnews mom! I was accepted to the college of ......
考试翻译解析 第一篇 汉朝是中国历史上最重要的朝代之一。汉朝统治期间有很多显著的成就,它最先向其他文化敞开了大门,对外贸易兴旺。汉朝开拓的丝绸之路通向中西亚乃至罗马...
考试作文范文 In thisconstantly changing world, how to put the knowledge acquired everyday into reality has intrigued numerous people. As a proverb goes, Knowledge is ......
-ject(射)系列词汇串讲 inject[indʒekt]vt.注射;注入 reject[ridʒekt]vt.拒绝;驳回 project[prɔdʒekt,prəu,prədʒekt]n.工程vt.投射;预测 projector[prəudʒektə]n.投影仪 复杂词汇串讲 A字开头复杂词汇...
复杂词汇串讲 表极端的词汇 magnificent[mɡnifisənt]a.华丽的;极好的记忆方法:妈妈,哥哥,和你一起飞cen了~ official[əfiʃəl,əu-]a.非官方的;非正式的 officer[ɔfisə,ɔ:-]n.官员;长官 sacri...