长对话与短对话相比,虽然长度增加,但难度大大降低。今天,易哲老师就教大家一个实用性极强的做题技巧,帮助大家在长对话这个部分拿到一个比较理想的分数。 这个技巧就是所听...
2021-10-15态度题也是 四级英语 阅读中的一种重要题型,主要考查对文章中作者态度的辨别。 作者态度大致分为两种:(1)支持或赞同;(2)中立或客观;(3)怀疑、批评或反对。 1. 标志 题干中有attit...
2021-10-14细节题是阅读考试中所占比重最大的题型,接近总题量的90%。具体数字,09年两次考试,20道仔细阅读题中,19道细节题。10年20道题目中,14道细节题。11年20道题目中,19道细节题。 题型...
2021-10-13英语四级阅读之主旨题 主旨题要求提炼文章的中心思想,体会作者的主要写作意图,充分运用逻辑概括能力,透过字里行间获取文章最具代表性的观点、论点及作者的情感倾向。下面一...
2021-10-12快速阅读 Small School Rising ①Hartwick college, a small liberal-arts school in upstate New York, makes this offer to well-prepared students: earn your undergraduate......
2021-10-11简答题 by 唐思宇 In face of global warming, much effort has been focused on reducing GRE enhouse gas emission through a variety of strategies.(47) But while much of t......
2021-10-09第二篇Newsweek: Asian Wisdom For most of the 20th century, Asia asked itself what it could learn from the modern, innovating West. Now the question must be reverse......
2021-10-08仔细阅读 第一篇 As anyone who has tried to lose weight knows, realistic goal-setting generally produces the best results. Thats partially because it appears people who......
2021-09-30完型填空 Scientific American: Hearing the Music, Honing the Mind Music produces profound and lasting changes in the brain. Schools should add classes, not cut them.......
2021-09-29快速阅读 Small Schools Rising Fifty years ago, they were the latest thing in educational reform: big, modern, suburban high schools with students counted in the tho......