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专升本、四级英语考试解析(七十五) ​​​​

发布时间:2021-11-20浏览: 编辑:hongsheng
The Way to Success
Abraham Lincoln, a successful leader sparkling in American history, once put, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Simple as his remark is, it subtly encapsulates a profound and enlightening notion that the path to success only lies under the feet of people who are well-prepared.
Currently in this proGREssively competitive society, it is anything but uncommon for us to see people desperately in want of success. Taking a look around, not only can we easily find students staying up late with their homework, we can also notice that a multitude of clerks step into the mansion in the early morning, then go back home after overtime. However, success, as a matter of fACT, only belongs to a few of them. For instance, there is no shortage of this kind of people—who participate in numerous interviews and get nothing but a rejection slip, then they start whining time after time, “why isn’t that me?”
Just as an ancient Chinese proverb goes, “Sharp tools make good work.” Accumulation of ability and knowledge is the prerequisite of success, and once we are strong and powerful enough, the whole universe will come to assist us in chasing our dreams.
The way to success
  Success, the one everyone desires, plays an essential role in our daily life, because it directly determines our daily behaviors. In other words, if there is no desire for success, there will be no inpiduals’ development and even no advance of our society. It is the aspiration of success that promotes our growth of our inpiduals and society. But throughout the whole human history, how to succeed is always the most concerned topic.
  Among all the fACTors of success, well preparation of knowledge, the basic requisition of success, should be placed on the first one. Without extensive and intensive knowledge, even if there are exterior opportunities to success, such as the parents’ assistance or friends’ recommendation, you will still never succeed, because you cannot qualify the job you have already had. The more preparation you do in advance, the more likely you will get success. As Lincoln has said, if I had six hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.
  Besides the well preparation of knowledge, the preparation of confidence and interpersonal skills is also indispensable on the way to success.



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